(Dan 7:13-14, Ps 92, Rev 1:5-8 & Jn 18:33-37)
This Sunday celebrates the SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING which marks the end of the Church’s liturgical year. What is the significance of Christ’s kingship for us? One may ask. The dialogue in today’s Gospel Reading between Jesus and Pilate centres on Jesus’ kingship and it’s nature. Jesus explains his kingship which consists in revealing who the Father is, and to bear witness to the truth.
From the Old Testament history, God at first did not want to give his people Israel a king. Why? Because, being a theocratic nation, God alone was their King and they needed no other human king. Nonetheless, God relented and gave Israel a king in the person of Saul and later God promised that through the lineage of Saul’s successor -David, God would send them a Messiah whose ruler-ship and Kingdom would last for eternity (Psalm 89:29).
The Jews understood it that, the God’s anointed Messiah and King would free them from the foreign domination when he finally comes. Little did they understand the nature of the kingship which the Messiah would take upon himself when he comes.
In today’s Gospel passage (Jn.18:33-37), Jesus declares before Pilate’ tribunal, that his kingship is not of this world. Meaning that, His kingdom is beyond this world. Jesus’ kingship is not like the kingship of this world, who wield a political power. Jesus did not come to establish a political independent Jewish nation as the people misconstrued it. RATHER, JESUS COMES TO ESTABLISH A KINGDOM OF LOVE, JUSTICE AND TRUTH BY CHANGING THE HEARTS OF EVERYONE WHO ALLOWS HIM TO REIGN OVER THEM. Jesus comes to deliver his people and the entire world from the tyranny of sin, condemnation and death, and to set us free for an eternal kingdom -a kingdom ruled not by force or fear – but by the power of God’s righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit.
The Scriptures tell us that, there are ultimately two kingdoms in this world which are opposed to each other; the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. Each kingdom is ruled by one lord or master; The Lord Jesus Christ -the light of the world, rules the Kingdom of Light, while the Anti-Christ -Satan rules the kingdom of darkness by lies and deception. If we serve the Lord Jesus Christ and allow him to reign in our lives, he will open our eyes to the light of his truth and guide us on the course that leads to our eternal kingdom with God the Father in heaven. But if we follow the course which is set by the ruler of darkness through his gimmicks of lies, deception and manipulations, then, he will lead us on the course of eternal damnation.
It is only by HUMBLE OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF THE FATHER whom Jesus comes to reveal that we would allow his kingdom to reign in us and over us. Recall that, when Satan tempted Jesus during his forty-day fast in the wilderness, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world (Matt. 4:8-9), but Jesus was able to triumph over the Satan through submission and humble obedience to His Father’s will. By this, Jesus teaches us that, only obedience to the will of God gains us victory over Satan. WHEN YOU REMAIN RESOLUTE TO OBEYING GOD IN EVERYTHING, YOU WILL CERTAINLY DEFEAT SATAN IN EVERY WAY.
Therefore, as the Church proclaims the Kingship of Jesus today, She encourages that we endeavour to champion the course of Jesus’ Kingship and allow his kingdom to reign over our individual lives and homes through our humble obedience to his will expressed in; love, truth & righteousness, as opposed to the kingdom of darkness which expresses itself in; lies & deception, manipulation & fraudulence, domination & oppression and the like.
Again, as our Master’s Kingdom is not of this world, and he refuses to succumb to the worldly standards. Similarly, for us His followers, our kingdom should not be of this world either. And we should not align our ways to the negative standards of the world. On the contrary, we should always endeavour to stand apart from those elements of the world that refuse to recognize Jesus’ authority and kingship. We should allow our choices and decisions to be determined by what the Lord Jesus teaches and not by the popular and erroneous opinions which the world promotes. Because Christ Jesus is the eternal Sovereign King who should reign over our lives.
In sum, to hold resolutely the principles of Christ the King is a call to holiness which every member of His Kingdom is expected to embrace. Therefore, always endeavour to give Christ the King the first place in your life and allow His teaching and values to determine and colour your daily decisions and choices.
Reflection by
Fr Damian Ikemefuna Ozokwere cssp