OT II (A) – John 1:29-34

By   January 5, 2017

Introduction: The central theme of today’s readings is a challenge to live like the Lamb of God and to die like the Lamb of God.  Scripture lessons: In both the first and second readings, God calls individuals to His service entrusting them with a mission. The first reading is from the “Songs of the Suffering Servant” in Isaiah, where aspects of Jesus’ own life and mission are foreshadowed. In the second reading, Paul reminds the Corinthian Christians that they are “sanctified and called to be holy” like all who call on the name of Jesus. The Gospel passage presents three themes, namely, John’s witness to Jesus, Jesus’ epiphany and identification as the “Lamb of God,” and the call to discipleship.  Those who are called gradually accept the identity of the One who calls them.  Like John the Baptist, we may choose to accept today’s Gospel as a personal and corporate call to become a witness to the Lamb of God.

Life messages: 1) Live and die like the Lamb of God.  (A) Live like a lamb by: a) leading pure, innocent, humble, selfless lives obeying the Christ’s commandment of love; b) appreciating the loving providence and protecting care of the Good Shepherd in His Church; c) eating the Body and drinking the Blood of the Good Shepherd and deriving spiritual strength from the Holy Spirit through the Sacraments and our prayers. (B) Die like a sacrificial lamb by: a) sharing our blessings of health, wealth and talents with others in the family, parish and community; b) bearing witness to Christ in our illness, pain and suffering; c) offering our suffering for the salvation of souls and as reparation for our sins and those of others. 2) Rebuild broken lives. Our faithful response to God’s call is to rebuild broken lives, reconciling them to God’s love and justice through Christ Jesus, our Lamb and Lord.  Through Baptism into the Body of Christ, we are empowered and enabled by the Holy Spirit to build up the oppressed.  Through the love of the Lamb of God, we are called to better the lot and improve the broken spirit of all who have been exiled from the possibility of hope, exiled from God’s righteousness and burdened by the yoke of spiritual, social, economic, and political dislocation. 3) Be a witness to the Lamb of God.  Today’s Gospel reminds us that being a disciple of Jesus means that we grow by Faith to become witnesses for Him.  And bearing witness to Christ is an active, not passive, lifetime enterprise. One cannot be a disciple of Jesus at a distance, any more than one can be a distant lover.  4) “Come and see”.  The essence of our witness is to state what we have seen and believed and then to invite others to “come and see.” For John, Faith begins by responding to the invitation to “come and see.”   We tell others about good restaurants, barbers, optometrists, etc.  Why isn’t there the same fervor over inviting and encouraging people to come and participate in our Church activities? If we are not willing to invite others into this experience, what does that say about our experiences with Christ and with our Church?